Helping youth aging out of foster care successfully transition to mature, independent adulthood.
In order for young people to learn and develop in a healthy way, they need to feel safe and supported. Our out-of-home residential programs in Northern New Jersey provide the necessary guidance for youth who are preparing to age out of foster care and into independent adulthood. In addition to experiencing, or being at risk of, homelessness, some of our clients may also experience emotional, behavioral and/or psychological difficulties. Our youth programs have passed rigorous standards set by the internationally renowned organization, the Council on Accreditation, enabling our clients to thrive in a stable environment.
How We Help At-Risk Youth
In New Jersey, we provide:
Independent Living Programs and Supportive Housing
When young people age out of foster care, their options are limited. Our four independent living programs in New Jersey provide the stepping stones to adulthood that at-risk youth need to thrive. Residents range in age from 18-20 years old, and live in supervised apartments with a roommate. Our staff is there to support them as well as actively teach skills that they will need to live independently.
Step-Up is a supportive housing program that is also geared toward 18-20-year-olds, who have aged out of the foster system and are at risk of being homeless. Each resident works with a case manager to learn independent living skills and has access to a range of resources until their 21st birthday.
My First PlaceTM
My First PlaceTM is an education and employment program that uses case management to empower young people ages 18 to 24 in the transition to self-sufficiency, while also providing fully subsidized housing. Participants are supported in identifying educational goals and gaining experience in jobs that build pathways towards financial stability and career growth.
How We Help Families
Parenting Skills Partnership Program
The Parenting Skills Partnership Program is an in-home program that provides support and training to families with adopted children. This 16-week program teaches parenting skills and techniques to deal with a multitude of behavioral programs. It is designed to be a proactive tool that willl avoid disruption of placement and offer the children and families a sense of stability. This program can provide services in Bergen, Hudson, Morris, Passaic, Sussex, and Warren counties.
For more information on either of these programs, call (732) 827-2443.
Watch this video about Max, a former resident of Alpha House:

Our At-Risk Youth Programs are certified by the Council on Accreditation